Jan 06 2023
The products below are based on a purchase price of £150000 with the applicant contributing a depsoit of £37500 which means the loan amount would be £112500. All of the products listed are based on a mortgage term of 30.
{"tags":["BTL"],"_id":"63b810f6b420b565541ec989","page_author":"Richard Aston","page_author_image":"images/richard-aston.jpg","page_title":"Birmingham Midshires mortgages","meta_title":"Birmingham Midshires Mortgage Broker NI","meta_description":"Birmingham Midshires authorised mortgage broker in Northern Ireland. Mortgages Northern Ireland offer a fee free mortgage Broking service for all BM Solutions mortgage products ","page_category":"BTL","isParental":false,"page_parent":"/buy-to-let-mortgages","page_url":"/birmingham-midshires-mortgage-broker-ni","page_menu_link":"Birmingham Midshires mortgages","page_sections":[{"_id":"63da36ab96f2727cac740a7e","section_title":"Birmingham Midshires mortgages","section_content":" Mortgages Northern Ireland offer a fee free mortgage broker service for all BM Solutions mortgage products.\r\n<br><br>\r\nBM solutions are a specialist buy to let mortgage lender who operate across all of the UK. Birmingham Midshires are part of the RBS ( Royal Bank of Scotland ) group and only offer buy to let mortgages through this channel.\r\n<br><br>\r\nThe chances are if you are a professional buy to let landlord you will have at least one mortgage with BM Solutions, BM Solutions are completely broker led lender which means that you are unable to make changes to your mortgage or even execute a simple product transfer without the help of an authorised mortgage broker.\r\n<br><br>\r\nMortgages Northern Ireland can help, we have access to all of BM Solutions mortgage products whether you are switching to a new deal via a product transfer or want to purchase a new property we can help.\r\n ","section_style":"splash"}],"page_date":"Jan 06 2023","__v":0}
[{"tags":["BTL"],"_id":"63b59a096d77b172d4438c17","page_author":"Richard Aston","page_author_image":"images/richard-aston.jpg","page_title":"Buy to Let Mortgages","meta_title":"Buy to Let Mortgages | Free Buy to Let Mortgage Advice","meta_description":"Mortgage Adviser NI has access to all the best buy to let mortgage NI deals. Give us a call about any Buy to Let Mortgage Enquiry you may in Northern Ireland . ","page_category":"BTL","isParental":true,"page_parent":"","page_url":"/buy-to-let-mortgages","page_menu_link":"Buy to Let","page_sections":[{"_id":"63ddaa8550cd5d00185bf107","section_title":"Buy to Let Mortgages in Northern Ireland ","section_content":" Investing in a Buy to Let Mortgage can seem like a great way to invest some spare cash and make some easy money but it isn’t always plain sailing and you need to be prepared for all eventualities for example as a landlord you will still be responsible for the mortgage repayments during void periods ( when you do not have a paying tenant ), you will need to have some spare cash available to make any repairs necessary and what happens if a tenant simply refuses to pay their rent these are all issues that you must be prepared to deal with.\r\n<br><br>\r\nMake sure that you assess both the risks and potential benefits before investing and never invest money that you can’t afford to loose.\r\n<br><br>\r\nWith that being said buy to let property investment can be both profitable and rewarding if done right. Below we answer a few buy to let related questions that we are asked on a regular basis.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddaa8550cd5d00185bf108","section_title":"Who can get a Buy to Let Mortgage in Northern Ireland?","section_content":" <div class=\"accordion-panel\">\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button\">Those who can afford to take the risk <span class=\"material-symbols-outlined\">\r\narrow_downward\r\n</span></button>\r\n\r\n <div>\r\n <p class=\"panel\">\r\n Investing in Buy to Let property does not guarantee a profit you should never invest money that you can’t afford to loose.\r\n </p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button\">Those who already have a residential mortgage\r\n<span class=\"material-symbols-outlined\">\r\narrow_downward\r\n</span>\r\n</button>\r\n <div>\r\n <p class=\"panel\">\r\nThe majority of lenders won’t offer a buy to let mortgage to a first time buyer, however there may be the odd one that will if you are in this situation Contact us today and we will try to help any way we can.\r\n </p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button\">Those with good credit\r\n<span class=\"material-symbols-outlined\">\r\narrow_downward\r\n</span>\r\n</button>\r\n <div>\r\n <p class=\"panel\">\r\nIt’s important that you keep up with your repayments and are not too stretched with your current borrowings.\r\n </p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button\">Do you earn over £25,000 / year\r\n<span class=\"material-symbols-outlined\">\r\narrow_downward\r\n</span>\r\n</button>\r\n <div>\r\n <p class=\"panel\">\r\nVery few lenders will approve your application unless you meet this criteria. There are still some options however they are vastly reduced if you do not meet this requirement.\r\n </p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddaa8550cd5d00185bf109","section_title":"How Does a Buy to Let Mortgage work?","section_content":" Buy to Let Mortgages by in large work the same way as residential mortgages however there are some key differences.\r\n<br><br>\r\nInterest rates on Buy to Let Mortgages tend to be higher.\r\n<br><br>\r\nThe minimum deposit required is usually at least 25% of the properties value.\r\n<br><br>\r\nMany of our clients choose to take out interest only mortgages on buy to let properties as this leaves them less to pay on a monthly basis incase of void periods, repayment products are also available should you choose to do so.\r\n<br><br>\r\nThe majority of Buy to Let mortgage lending is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority however this may not be the case if you intent to let the property to a close family member.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddaa8550cd5d00185bf10a","section_title":"How much can you borrow?","section_content":" The amount you can borrow on a Buy to Let property will be linked to the amount of rental income anticipated. Check with your local letting agent to see how much they think the property would fetch on a monthly basis.\r\n<br><br>\r\nYour lender will usually require your rental income to be at least 25% higher than your monthly mortgage repayment.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddaa8550cd5d00185bf10b","section_title":"How do you get a buy to let mortgage?","section_content":" The majority of high street lenders offer Buy to Let mortgages and there are some lenders who specialise in the Buy to Let market.\r\n<br><br>\r\nOur mortgage brokers source the most suitable product for you from a comprehensive list of Buy to Let providers, this combined with our expert knowledge will help to ensure that your investment is a success. Our mortgage brokers never charge a fee for our services. Contact us today and we will be happy to help with any Buy to Let query you may have.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"}],"page_date":"Wed Jan 04 2023 15:23:53 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)","__v":0},{"tags":["BTL"],"_id":"63b7017547a7717390355913","page_author":"Richard Aston","page_author_image":"images/richard-aston.jpg","page_title":"Buy to let mortgage criteria","meta_title":"Buy to Let Mortgage Criteria | Mortgages Northern Ireland","meta_description":"Buy to Let Mortgage Criteria can be tough to pass however our mortgage brokers have a wealth of buy to let criteria knowledge and are ready to help you. ","page_category":"BTL","isParental":false,"page_parent":"/buy-to-let-mortgages","page_url":"/buy-to-let-mortgage-criteria","page_menu_link":"Buy to let criteria","page_sections":[{"_id":"63b80321d2159d1ef8744364","section_title":"Buy to let mortgage criteria","section_content":" It’s important to note that not all lenders have the same buy to let mortgage criteria so just because you have been turned down by one doesn’t mean that you won’t be accepted by another. To find out which Buy to Let products are available to you Make an enquiry and we will assess your circumstances free of charge for more information on buy to let mortgage criteria read on.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63b80321d2159d1ef8744365","section_title":"Buy to let - Applicant criteria","section_content":" <strong>Age – </strong>The minimum age requirement for a buy to let mortgage is 18 however some lenders will not accept applicants under 21 or 25.\r\n<br><br>\r\n<strong>Status –</strong> Do you fall into one of the following categories ? \r\n<br><br>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>First Time Buyer</li>\r\n<li>First Time Landlord who currently has a residential mortgage but no buy to let properties.</li>\r\n<li>Experienced landlord with multiple Buy to Let properties.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\nEach status will effect both which lender will accept your application and which products are available to you, for example the majority of lenders will not approve a Buy to Let application for a first time buyer but there may be a few lenders who will contact us today and we will search the market for a suitable provider.\r\n<br><br>\r\nFor an experienced landlord who wishes to expand their portfolio their current lender may place a cap on how many buy to let properties a single applicant can have with them at any one time this is to reduce losses in the event of repossession in this case they may find that they have to spread their portfolio over a range of different lenders .\r\n<br><br>\r\n<strong>Residence –</strong>The majority of lenders will require the borrower to be residing in the UK which means expats will struggle to invest in the UK Buy to Let market while they are working abroad.\r\n<br><br>\r\n<strong>Credit History –</strong>Poor credit history will always have an impact on your ability to obtain a mortgage weather it be residential of buy to let. Those with poor credit may not be able to obtain a mortgage at all much will depend on both the severity of the default and how recent it was. At best poor credit will limit both the lenders you have to choose from and the products available.\r\n<br><br>\r\n<strong>Income -</strong> Most lenders have a minimum income requirement of £25,000 / year, there are some lenders who will accept an application with literally no income requirement however if you do not meet this requirement the available lenders will reduced dramatically.\r\n<br><br>\r\n<strong>Deposit – </strong>You will require a minimum deposit of 25% of the properties value eg. If you wanted to purchase a Buy to Let property with a market value of £100,000 you would require a minimum deposit of £25,000.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63b80321d2159d1ef8744366","section_title":"Buy to let - Property criteria","section_content":" <strong>Property Type –</strong> They majority of lenders will offer buy to let mortgages on all standard homes such as detached, semi-detached, bungalows, terraced homes and town houses. Some lenders may refuse to lend on studio flats or ex council houses if they perceive the risk of default to be higher.\r\n<br><br>\r\n<strong>Purchase Price –</strong> All lenders in Northern Ireland will impose minimum purchase prices on buy to let property usually around £50,000.\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63b80321d2159d1ef8744367","section_title":"Buy to let - Tennant criteria","section_content":" The type of tenant can play a role in which lender or products are available. A lot of lenders will refuse an application if the property is intended to be let to students or people relying on rental support from state benefits.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"}],"page_date":"Thu Jan 05 2023 16:57:25 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)","__v":0},{"tags":["BTL"],"_id":"63b81060b420b565541ec974","page_author":"Richard Aston","page_author_image":"images/richard-aston.jpg","page_title":"Buy to let remortgage","meta_title":"Buy to Let Mortgage Northern Ireland - Re-Mortgage ","meta_description":"Buy to Let Mortgages Northern Ireland - Don't forget to check out the best buy to let re-mortgage deals with mortgage adviser ni. ","page_category":"BTL","isParental":false,"page_parent":"/buy-to-let-mortgages","page_url":"/buy-to-let-re-mortgage","page_menu_link":"Buy to let remortgage","page_sections":[{"_id":"63b81060b420b565541ec975","section_title":"Buy to let remortgage","section_content":"Every professional landlord understands that profit margins are tight if a buy to let portfolio is not managed correctly, in order to save money it’s important that you are prepared to re-mortgage your properties when the time is right.\r\n<br><br>\r\nRe-mortgaging a buy to let property follows pretty much the same process as a residential re-mortgage, for the majority of landlords it’s a pretty straightforward procedure however if your circumstances have changed since the original mortgage was arranged it can prove more difficult. For example, your income has been reduced or the properties value has decreased or perhaps you wish to re-mortgage to buy another property.\r\n<br><br>\r\nWhatever your reason is for re-mortgaging there are some simple guidelines you should always follow.","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63b81060b420b565541ec976","section_title":"Shop around","section_content":"Remember you don’t have to stick with your current lender. Banks and Building societies will always be fighting for your business so spend a little time searching the market for the best deals available.","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63b81060b420b565541ec977","section_title":"Check all the features","section_content":"Study your mortgage offer carefully and make sure you fully understand all of the implications to make sure it’s suitable for your needs. There’s little point in securing a great 5 year fixed rate deal if you intend to sell the property 3 years down the line as you may incur hefty ERC’s ( Early Repayment Charges ).","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63b81060b420b565541ec978","section_title":"Check to overall cost","section_content":"Just because a product boasts a great rate doesn’t necessarily make it the best deal for you. A lot of products with the lowest rates will include arrangement, valuation and booking fee’s, when all of these charges are taken into consideration the offer may not seem as appealing espeacially if you are only borrowing a small amount.","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63b81060b420b565541ec979","section_title":"Find a good mortgage broker","section_content":"Find a mortgage broker who will work for you and who isn’t tied to a particular lender. When you go directly to a Bank or Building society they will only offer you their own range of products by failing to check the market you could be loosing out on a lot of money. Mortgage Adviser NI will search through a comprehensive range of Buy to Let providers and find the most suitable product for you and we will never charge you a fee for our services.","section_style":"splash"}],"page_date":"Fri Jan 06 2023 12:13:20 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)","__v":0},{"tags":["BTL"],"_id":"63b810f6b420b565541ec989","page_author":"Richard Aston","page_author_image":"images/richard-aston.jpg","page_title":"Birmingham Midshires mortgages","meta_title":"Birmingham Midshires Mortgage Broker NI","meta_description":"Birmingham Midshires authorised mortgage broker in Northern Ireland. Mortgages Northern Ireland offer a fee free mortgage Broking service for all BM Solutions mortgage products ","page_category":"BTL","isParental":false,"page_parent":"/buy-to-let-mortgages","page_url":"/birmingham-midshires-mortgage-broker-ni","page_menu_link":"Birmingham Midshires mortgages","page_sections":[{"_id":"63da36ab96f2727cac740a7e","section_title":"Birmingham Midshires mortgages","section_content":" Mortgages Northern Ireland offer a fee free mortgage broker service for all BM Solutions mortgage products.\r\n<br><br>\r\nBM solutions are a specialist buy to let mortgage lender who operate across all of the UK. Birmingham Midshires are part of the RBS ( Royal Bank of Scotland ) group and only offer buy to let mortgages through this channel.\r\n<br><br>\r\nThe chances are if you are a professional buy to let landlord you will have at least one mortgage with BM Solutions, BM Solutions are completely broker led lender which means that you are unable to make changes to your mortgage or even execute a simple product transfer without the help of an authorised mortgage broker.\r\n<br><br>\r\nMortgages Northern Ireland can help, we have access to all of BM Solutions mortgage products whether you are switching to a new deal via a product transfer or want to purchase a new property we can help.\r\n ","section_style":"splash"}],"page_date":"Jan 06 2023","__v":0},{"tags":["BTL"],"_id":"63b8128bb420b565541ec992","page_author":"Richard Aston","page_author_image":"images/richard-aston.jpg","page_title":"Buy to let FAQ","meta_title":"Buy to Let Mortgages Northern Ireland FAQ","meta_description":"Frequently asked questions concerning Buy to Let Mortgages Northern Ireland. Mortgage Adviser NI gets dozens of Buy to Let related enquiries a day here are some of the most common questions ","page_category":"BTL","isParental":false,"page_parent":"/buy-to-let-mortgages","page_url":"/buy-to-let-faq","page_menu_link":"Buy to Let FAQ","page_sections":[{"_id":"63ddb69608368a00184d6a38","section_title":"Buy to let FAQ","section_content":" Entering the Buy to Let property market in Northern Ireland is not as simple as it may first seem there are many things to consider before taking your first step to becoming a Landlord below we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we get in regards to Buy to Let property investment.\r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddb69608368a00184d6a39","section_title":"How many buy to let properties can you have in Northern Ireland?","section_content":" Most lenders will impose restrictions on how much total exposure they are willing to risk on a single applicant. Some lenders may only allow you to have 1 property mortgaged with them, some will allow 3 and some lenders may not have any limit depending on your circumstances.\r\n<br<br>\r\nIf you wish to expand your portfolio and you aren’t sure where to apply next <a href=\"/contact-us\">contact us today </a>our mortgage advisors will assess your circumstances and instantly know where to apply next.\r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddb69608368a00184d6a3a","section_title":"How much can you borrow?","section_content":" This will not be calculated in the same way as a residential mortgage as well as using your own personal income your lender will expect your rental income to cover the mortgage repayments by at least 125%. In order to prove your expected rental income your lender may ask for a letter which has been stamped and signed by an approved letting agent stating the amount they would expect the property to fetch on a monthly basis.\r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddb69608368a00184d6a3b","section_title":"What products are available?","section_content":" <div class=\"accordion-panel\">\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button\">Repayment or Interest Only<span class=\"material-symbols-outlined\">\r\narrow_downward\r\n</span></button>\r\n <div>\r\n <p class=\"panel\">\r\nIf you want a guarantee that the mortgage will be repaid in full at the end of the term a repayment mortgage is the option for you. Your monthly repayments will be considerably higher but you will own the property outright at the end of the term providing you keep up with the repayments.\r\n<br><br>\r\nWith an interest only mortgage you will only be required to pay the interest each month and nothing off the capital, many landlords choose this option for their buy to let properties as it makes their portfolio easier to manage during void periods ( when they have no tenant ) and it also keeps cash free for any unexpected repairs that need to be carried out. They can then save up the excess money collected from rent and pay off the loan in lump sums when they feel the time is right. There is no guarantee that you will ever be able to clear the debt with an interest only mortgage so if you choose this option you must plan carefully for the future.\r\n </p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button\">Fixed rate products<span class=\"material-symbols-outlined\">\r\narrow_downward\r\n</span></button>\r\n <div>\r\n <p class=\"panel\">\r\nThere are always plenty of fixed rate products available on the buy to let market they will come in the form of both interest only and repayment loans and are usually 2, 3 or 5 year deals at the end of which you will be moved to your lenders SVR which is usually higher. At this point we would recommend that you consider re-mortgaging for a better rate.\r\n </p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button\">Variable rate products<span class=\"material-symbols-outlined\">\r\narrow_downward\r\n</span></button>\r\n <div>\r\n <p class=\"panel\">\r\nThese will usually come in the form of trackers where the interest rate is set a certain percentage above the Bank of England’s base rate or a percentage below your lenders SVR ( Standard Variable Rate ). These deals will also usually last for a predefined period of 2, 3 or 5 years after which you will revert back to the standard variable rate.\r\n </p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddb69608368a00184d6a3c","section_title":"What are the tax implications?","section_content":" It’s important that you fully understand all of the tax implications before committing to buy to let property investment. If you are in any doubt <a href=\"/contact-us\">contact a mortgage broker</a> who can assess your circumstances and explain exactly what you will be liable to pay.\r\n<br><br>\r\nTax rules on buy to let properties are always changing and for that reason it’s best to contact a professional who can update you with the latest rules and regulations.\r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"},{"_id":"63ddb69608368a00184d6a3d","section_title":"Is a buy to let mortgage a good investment?","section_content":" It can be if done right but there are plenty of risks involved it’s important that you get your sums right and carefully consider everything renting out property entails before committing to becoming a landlord. Remember never invest money that you cannot afford to loose, if you are in any doubt contact us today and we will guide you through the process.\r\n \r\n ","section_style":"splash"}],"page_date":"Fri Jan 06 2023 12:22:35 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)","__v":0}]
Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
We're here to offer our customers excellent fee free mortgage advice. Our expert advisers will help you secure the most suitable mortgage deal whether you're a first time buyer, remortgaging your home, buying to let or moving up the property ladder. We'll help you throughout the mortgage process – no hidden costs or surprises, just straightforward, honest, mortgage advice. No fee will be charged for our advice services. We may be paid a commission from the provider or lender. The guidance and/or advice contained in this website is subject to UK regulatory regime and is therefore restricted to consumers based in the UK
Mortgages Northern Ireland is a trading style of Mind My Mortgage Ltd, registered in Northern Ireland at 130 Drumford Meadow Portadown BT63 5BH (NI673303)
Mortgages Northern Ireland is a trading name of Mind My Mortgage Ltd who are an Appointed Representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network, a trading name of First Complete Limited. First Complete Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.